Meet Dr. Nicolai
Naturopathic Doctor
For the first 27 years of my life, I had no idea that naturopathic medicine even existed. During this time, I often witnessed or experienced medical practices that just didn’t seem to make sense. Even though the doctors were obviously concerned, conscientious, and skilled, there were noticeable shortcomings in their model. Appointments were short, and there was often very little time to ask questions, discuss options, or for patients to truly understand their illness and the therapies available to them. Symptoms were covered up or treated with medicines that did nothing to address the cause of the problem.
​My first trip to Oregon in 1991 was a turning point for me, as it was during this trip that I learned about naturopathic medicine. It made sense almost immediately, as things began to come together for me personally in terms of how I might be able to integrate my love of math and science with my psychology background and my desire to work with and help people.
Areas of Focus
As a Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Nicolai is a primary care general practitioner trained as an expert in natural medicine. His practice covers most aspects of family health. The therapies he uses are appropriate for treating a wide variety of health problems, both acute and chronic. Areas of focus in Dr. Nicolai’s practice include, but are not limited to:

Thyroid Disease
Natural Thyroid Hormone Replacement:
Armour Thyroid
NP Thyroid, (T3)
Wilson's Syndrome
Other Prescription Thyroid Hormones
Chronic Fatigue/Fibromyalgia
General workup/treatments
Adrenal Dysfunction
Low Dose Naltrexone
Metabolic Syndrome
Type I Diabetes
Type II Diabetes

Women's Health
Bioidentical Hormones
Menopausal Symptoms
Osteoporosis Treatment and Prevention
Menstrual Irregularities/PMS
Yeast Infections
Urinary Tract Infection
General Healthcare
Wellness Checkups
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Weight Loss
Neurological Illness
Herpes Zoster/Shingles
Parkinson’s Disease

Men's Health
Prostate Enlargement/Inflammation
Prostate Cancer Screening
Andropause (Male Menopause)
Erectile Dysfunction
Peyronie's Disease
Testosterone Replacement/Bioidentical Hormones
Diagnosis and Treatment of Iron Overload
Complementary Cancer Care
Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Colon Cancer
Digestive Illness
Food Allergies/Sensitivities
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn’s Disease)

Why Naturopathy
What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Founded upon a holistic philosophy, naturopathic medicine combines safe and effective traditional therapies with the most current advances in modern medicine. Naturopathic medicine is appropriate for the management of a broad range of health conditions affecting all people of all ages.
As a distinct system of primary health care - an art, science, philosophy and practice of diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of illness - naturopathic medicine is distinguished by the principles which underlie and determine its practice. These principles are based upon the objective observation of the nature of health and disease, and are continually reexamined in the light of scientific advances. Methods used are consistent with these principles and are chosen upon the basis of patient individuality.
Naturopathic physicians are primary health care practitioners whose diverse techniques include both modern and traditional, scientific and empirical methods.

Dr. Nicolai sees patients Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Later appointments or Friday appointments may be available upon request.
Please Call For an Appointment
Phone: (503) 200-5231
Fax: (503) 200-5746
5933 NE Win Sivers Dr, Suite 226
Portland, OR 97220
Insurance Information
Dr. Nicolai accepts many health insurances. Please contact his office for questions regarding specific information about your coverage.